Sustainability report
The EOH Sustainability Framework provides a structure that will enable the delivery of sustainable value creation and grow our identity as a force for good for multiple stakeholders.

In 2019, EOH actively engaged with and set our commitment to embedding sustainability into our business in line with the requirements of King IV. We also aligned with the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact and identified and prioritised the eight Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are directly linked to our offering and operations.
During 2020 we actively evaluated our value chain to create the level of awareness needed to prepare and enhance it for EOH 2.0, which is committed to Solving for our clients, company and communities. In 2021, we plan to create an ESG system to assess the materiality of the indirect benefits and value created by EOH for multiple stakeholders through our interaction with clients, suppliers, society, the environment, existing and emerging markets.