Social and Ethics Committee report

Bharti Harie Chairperson, Social and Ethics Committee
- Socialise and embed the integrated sustainability strategy and supporting activities across the Group
- Review and update the stakeholder engagement analysis and plan
- Reskilling and upskilling in technology-related fields
- Drive phase two of the diversity and inclusion strategy across the business
- Build on and deliver on commercial solutions driving social good
- Implementing of initiatives to holistically and broadly address thematic issues identified from the whistleblowing and forensic investigations
- Embed an ethically driven public sector engagement framework with the view to increasing business at the same time as learning from the lessons of the past
- Continued automation and digitisation of controls to drive ethical behaviour
- New socioeconomic development strategy to be developed
- Bharti Harie*** (Chairperson of the committee)
- Sipho Ngidi
- Jabu Moleketi
- Nosipho Molope***
- Dr Lynette Moretlo Molefi*
- Ismail Mamoojee**
* | Resigned 23 October 2020 |
** | Resigned 20 January 2021 |
*** | Appointed 1 January 2021 |
The number of meetings and attendance per committee member are shown in Corporate governance.
Regular invited attendees: the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the Chief Risk Officer.
The summaries in Board of directors provide the directors' qualifications and experience.
The responsibilities of the Social and Ethics Committee ('the committee') include monitoring EOH's activities in terms of legislation, regulations and Codes of Best Practice relating to ethics, stakeholder engagement, strategic empowerment and compliance with transformation codes.
The committee provides guidance to management regarding international best practice in respect of its duties relating to social, ethics, transformation and sustainability issues.
The committee is responsible for:
- the ethical conduct of the Company, its executives and senior officials, including review and approval of the EOH Code of Conduct;
- review and approval of anti-corruption policies to ensure a zero-tolerance approach that is futureproof;
- policy for sustainable development, including targets and recommendations to the Board of directors, aligned to the UN 2030 Agenda;
- policy for B-BBEE, Employment Equity (EE), diversity and transformation, including principles, targets, initiatives, programmes, and implementation;
- compliance and alignment with the B-BBEE Act 53 of 2003 as amended by the B-BBEE Act 46 of 2013, monitoring achievement;
- Company performance as a good corporate citizen, as defined in the King IV Report on Corporate Governance for South Africa 2016 (King IV);
- guidance on the social and economic development activities of the Company including health, public safety, and the environment;
- guidance regarding stakeholder engagement, including the development of communities and associated sponsorships and donations;
- the responsible management of data and compliance with the PAIA Manual and the Protection of Personal Information Act ('POPIA'); and
- monitoring changes in legislation and to social and ethical codes, to ensure that the Company is compliant.
The Social and Ethics Committee was re-established in September 2019, with a refreshed membership. It has been mobilised to deliver governance of all relevant aspects of section 72 of the Companies Act, read in conjunction with Regulation 43 of the Companies Regulations, 2011.
Focus areas | Response |
Diversity and inclusion |
Sustainability |
Ethical culture |
Employee wellness |
The Board recognises that social transformation is critical for the sustainability of the Group and the committee continued the ongoing drive towards economic and social equity through the process of B-BBEE. The best measure of EOH success in this regard is the ongoing attainment of a Level 1 contributor rating, under the South African Department of Trade, Industry and Competition ('dtic') Code of Good Practice, the highest rating of its peers on the JSE.
The committee is focused on the status of the company's B-BBEE rating and each of the pillars has a nominated business champion responsible for implementing and monitoring performance against stated targets. These champions form the B-BBEE Council that meets on a quarterly basis. In the year the Company recruited a Group Transformation Manager whose mandate is to ensure alignment and achievement of targets.
The Group recognises the importance of culture in sustainable transformation and in the year has engaged in activities that build on the strategic principle that an inclusive culture is an enabled culture. Through focused interventions on unconscious bias, allyship, gender and generational diversity roundtables, a platform for courageous conversations is supported across the business. Employment equity committee members were the first to participate in a programme designed around psychological safety, microaggressions and unconscious bias.
With the implementation of lockdown regulations the business ensured full compliance and delivered on a solution to assist employees.
EOH complies with the relevant environmental, social and governance regulatory reporting requirements. Such reporting is guided by the Global Reporting Initiatives ('GRI') Standards.
EOH has the necessary policies and programmes in place to advance social and economic development, sound ethical behaviour, fair labour practices, responsible environmental practices and good customer relations. The Company continues to work diligently to ensure justice and root out wrongdoing. The committee confirms that EOH gives the necessary attention to its transformation, social and ethics responsibilities and has complied with the required regulatory requirements. The committee is satisfied that it discharged its responsibilities set out in its terms of reference during the year.
Bharti Harie
Chairperson, Social and Ethics Committee
26 October 2021