Material matters
We determine these material matters by assessing the financial and non-financial risks, opportunities and other factors that influence our strategy, performance, prospects and governance activities.
These matters are identified and prioritised by considering information from a range of sources, including:
This graphic summarises EOH’s most material matters and provides links to where these are discussed in more detail in the report.
EOH’s most material matters are those factors that have the greatest potential impact on our ability to create value as a business. These are the issues that most affect our long-term sustainability and the interests of our stakeholders.

Our enterprise risk management process;
Formal and informal engagements with key stakeholder groups;
Discussions at business, exco, Board subcommittee and Board levels;
Relevant guidelines, frameworks and applicable legislation; and
A review of peer reporting practices and media coverage.

Creating a robust platform for sustainable growth and returns for shareholders and other stakeholders
Delivering on our turnaround promise
Ensuring our employees stay safe and healthy, adapting our business and creating innovative solutions that enable customers to prosper in the new normal.
Navigating changing realities caused by COVID-19
To lead and grow innovative and sustainable technology solutions
Solutions that create value for our customers
To be a responsible employer, nurturing talent and the best people
A diverse, ethical, and talented workforce
To nurture innovation, partnerships and growth in the digital sector
A vibrant and innovative digital ecosystem
To invest in the digital and maths skills needed by future generations
Building technology skills in communities
Share the lessons we have learnt and enable high integrity business
A commitment to ethical business
Protecting our planet through enabling technologies
Protecting our planet through enabling technologies