Currently viewing: Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial position / Interim condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity

Interim condensed consolidated statement of financial positionAS AT 31 JANUARY 2022

Figures in Rand thousand    Notes  Unaudited at 
31 January 
Audited at 
31 July 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant, equipment and right-of-use assets  230 651  341 464 
Intangible assets  52 225  64 493 
Goodwill     12  692 593  745 844 
Equity-accounted investments  8 260 
Deferred taxation  115 612  116 853 
Finance lease receivables  9 454  8 030 
1 100 535  1 284 944 
Current assets
Inventories     13  125 085  112 548 
Other financial assets  89 243  11 058 
Current taxation receivable  26 624  38 563 
Finance lease receivables  87 482  101 299 
Trade and other receivables  1 798 023  1 928 570 
Cash and cash equivalents  423 975  824 902 
2 550 432  3 016 940 
Assets held for sale     14  1 276 386  1 118 510 
Total assets  4 927 353  5 420 394 
Equity and liabilities 
Stated capital     16  4 217 285  4 217 285 
Shares to be issued to vendors  393  393 
Other reserves  621 710  598 500 
Accumulated loss  (4 637 398) (4 658 537)
Equity attributable to the owners of EOH Holdings Limited  201 990  157 641 
Non-controlling interests  21 304  20 153 
Total equity  223 294  177 794 
Non-current liabilities 
Lease liabilities  51 220  80 669 
Deferred taxation  69 065  59 482 
120 285  140 151 
Current liabilities 
Other financial liabilities     17  2 180 522  2 567 523 
Current taxation payable  19 836  45 591 
Lease liabilities  67 962  82 641 
Trade and other payables  1 629 360  1 796 284 
Provisions  288 088  324 299 
4 185 768  4 816 338 
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale     14  398 006  286 111 
Total liabilities  4 704 059  5 242 600 
Total equity and liabilities  4 927 353  5 420 394