5. Intangible assets
  2019   Restated* 2018  
Figures in Rand thousand Cost  Accumulated 
  Cost  Accumulated 
Contracts purchased  109 148  (101 847) 7 301     143 958  (108 186) 35 772    
Customer relationships  345 273  (266 657) 78 616     392 713  (179 896) 212 817    
Intellectual property  175 513  (123 423) 52 090     177 288  (93 643) 83 645    
Internally generated software*  520 214  (273 270) 246 944     1 009 281  (707 294) 301 987    
Computer software*  408 747  (338 912) 69 835     520 057  (353 735) 166 322    
Other intangible assets  241 813  (157 937) 83 876     103 185  (23 336) 79 849    
Current assets held for sale (note 15) (196 108) 146 420  (49 688)    –  –  –    
   1 604 600  (1 115 626) 488 974     2 346 482  (1 466 090) 880 392    

Reconciliation of intangible assets

Figures in Rand thousand Opening 
Additions  Additions 
Disposals  Transfers  Foreign 
Amortisation  Impairments  Disposals     
assets held 
for sale 
(note 15)
Contracts purchased  35 771  –  –  –  –  –  (13 612) (10 217) (4 641) (2 021) 5 280    
Customer relationships  212 817  –  –  –  –  185  (42 152) (79 227) (13 007) (20 125) 58 491    
Intellectual property  83 645  –  –  –  (1 827) 294  (19 118) (10 904) –  (1 846) 50 244    
Internally generated software  301 987  96 268  –  –  57 745  (5 522) (64 747) (25 596) (113 191) (8 431) 238 513    
Computer software  166 321  48 973  –  (20 549) (63 171) 43  (59 275) (2 507) –  (3 699) 66 136    
Other intangible assets  79 851  41 183  –  –  7 253  30  (32 064) (7 143) (5 234) (13 566) 70 310    
   880 392  186 424  –  (20 549) –  (4 970) (230 968) (135 594) (136 073) (49 688) 488 974    
Restated* 2018                                     
Contracts purchased  87 278  –  23 165  (37 310) –  –  (37 362) –  –  –  35 771    
Customer relationships  294 642  –  71 075  (115 414) –  518  (38 004) –  –  –  212 817    
Intellectual property  321 691  139  2 950  (224 742) 1 562  306  (18 261) –  –  –  83 645    
Internally generated software*  488 668  175 050  2 401  (7) 110 925  1 328  (91 960) (384 418) –  –  301 987    
Computer software*  142 604  161 403  361  (9 393) (55 523) –  (72 719) (412) –  –  166 321    
Other intangible assets  114 413  –  41 849  (3 794) (56 964) (2 577) (4 412) (8 664) –  –  79 851    
   1 449 296  336 592  141 801  (390 660) –  (425) (262 718) (393 494) –  –  880 392    
* Refer to note 3 for further information regarding the restatement of the prior year.
** The disposals for 2018 includes the GCT intangibles of R374 million.

Impairments to intangible assets largely relate to:

  • Customer relationships and customer contracts were impaired for R107 million after the profitability of the related relationships and contractsdeteriorated below expected levels.
  • The remaining impairments relate to other internally generated software in a number of underperforming CGUs in which goodwill impairmentshave also been recognised of R28 million.

Impairment testing

The Group performed a review of intangible assets for impairment, which highlighted impairments of R135 million (R88 million in the iOCO segment, R45 million in the NEXTEC segment and R2 million in the IP segment).

For the purpose of impairment testing, intangible assets were allocated to the Group’s CGUs. The recoverable amount of these CGUs were determined based on value-in-use calculations, discounting future cash flows expected to be generated. Impairment tests on assets held for sale were based on fair value less costs of disposal.

A pre-tax weighted-average cost of capital of 19% – 24,1% (2018: 17,7% – 20,4%) was used in discounting the projected cash flows.